Day Seventeen: Disappointment

So yesterday I heard disappointing news- it's been a while since I've been turned down for a job but it was done really professionally and it's a little awkward now (as it was an internal position opening that I applied for) and he kept telling me, "You just don't have the experience. But we learned a new side of you and we love it!"

Yeah, truly disappointed. Not sure how this poem even fits in or if it's even good at conveying what the hell I was feeling as he spoke to me.

Slow Motion Let Down

No. I am not bitter about this whole thing.

Of course, thank you.

I suppose 10 years experience doesn't
really add up to the other 10,
I'm missing-
    Where did they go? How are they missing.
    It's not they're missing it's just that
    I still don't know what I'm doing here
    let alone, there

"You are too kind, it was really a privilege to be offered this chance."

No this is not the end.
Don't cry.
Please for the love of God, don't cry.
This is it. All that is left is
staying afloat, keeping
my head above water
with a smile.

"I really appreciate the time you took out of busy schedule to see me."
