NaPoWriMo! 2012
UPDATE: 4/9/12 - - -
I am also using the prompts suggested by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides. They have been extremely helpful and definitely interesting when I need more inspiration. - - -
My best friend suggested (last year) that I participate in this amazing feat as she participates in NaNoWriMo. I have not written a poem in a few months. I have not seriously written a poem in over two years.
I am also using the prompts suggested by Robert Lee Brewer's Poetic Asides. They have been extremely helpful and definitely interesting when I need more inspiration. - - -
My best friend suggested (last year) that I participate in this amazing feat as she participates in NaNoWriMo. I have not written a poem in a few months. I have not seriously written a poem in over two years.
I started writing poems in college, 2007/08. I had the most amazing poetry teacher and still have him as a friend and mentor, he encouraged me to keep writing and I did. Throughout college I wrote a lot: I made my own chap books (two volumes), published in both the community college and university literary journals and even was poetry editor for the community college journal.
One summer I took an amazing class with one of the most fascinating poets I have ever met or read and I am still very fortunate to have been a part of that workshop. But that was the last time I seriously wrote a polished poem, not necessarily finished but polished enough to write my name on it and turn it in for critiques.
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